Thanks for coming! My name is Trent, and I’m pretty handy. Some would call me a handy man. My wife calls me perfect.
Here you’ll find a variety of topics, mostly around my hobbies. They include woodworking, metalworking, some very minor programming (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), and 3D printing. My shop is reasonably equipped with a variety of woodworking tools, metalworking tools, and a home built CNC Router. Most of my projects are for family – I don’t do anything for business, yet.
In 2000, we finished our addition, which included space for a shop. Over the last 24 years, I’ve managed to build out the shop to where it is today. Some tools are as old as the shop, collected over the years, modified and/or built from scratch by me. I get as much satisfaction in building tools as I do building things for family.
You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, and Maker World. Recently retired, I’m just building on my past to create my retired future.
As of yet, no plans are available for any of my projects. If you are interested, I may consider it in the future.