Woodworking Projects

Dressers for Grandchildren


The Desk

I had this desk in storage for over 24 years. As a young child, it sat in my maternal grandfather’s basement. I knew nothing about it as a child, but on occasion would open and close the door and drawers on it. When my grandfather passed away in 1988, it was stored in my parent’s home. Later I was fortunate to be able to have it, and it went into storage in 2000 and stayed there collecting dust.

In 2024, I rearranged by Man Cave and now had a place for it. It was quite banged up and needed to be refinished. I’m pleased that it now has a place both in my Man Cave, and in my family history.

While preparing to refinish the desk, I learned that it was made by my Great Grandfather Anders Peter Andersen, immigrated from Denmark in 1902. He was a farmer and among other things, a woodworker. On the side of one of the drawers he left his signature. Little is known about the desk and when and where it was made. He passed away in 1938.